Emergency Organization

Established processes: so that no valuable time is lost

A specialized emergency organization is deployed if an incident occurs at the chemical park in spite of the extensive precautionary and safety measures. The top priority in this case is to protect the safety of people and the environment or to restore as quickly as possible .

Operational alarm plans and emergency plans with clearly defined steps and responsibilities ensure that the necessary incident response forces (first responders, fire safety officers, on-site fire department) and trained contacts are directly available and that safety measures are implemented.

The GENDORF Chemical Park has a new fire station with a most modern operation control center. At this fire station highly sensitive alarm systems, like fire detectors, gas warning alarm or error messages run together. The employees control the alarm system, the surveillance of the fence and the monitoring system of the hubs. In addition to controlling, alerting task forces inside and, if necessary, outside the chemical park is the main task. Furthermore the mission control center keeps the radio communication to internal and external task forces in case of an event.

The on-call duty service of the facility administrator (BDWL) plays a central role as part of the emergency organization. It is on call 24/7 and is informed about even the most insignificant irregularity. The BDWL has far-reaching authority for the chemical park and activates the incident response staff during emergencies. In addition to managing the incident response staff and maintaining situational awareness, the on-call duty service also communicates the information it collects to the incident response forces, neighbors, regulatory agencies, and the media.

Gas, fluid or powder: If malfunctions or fires cause substance leaks in the chemical park or unpleasant odours appear, the measurement unit of the ISG fire brigade springs into action. Mostly as a preventative measure: after all, as long as a substance has not yet been precisely identified, it can pose a potential hazard. This is rarely the case, but safety always comes first. The experts from the measurement team never rule out a potential danger before a measured value is on hand.

Fast and comprehensive information of the neighborhood is essential for a larger event and most certainly for a siren alarm. The GENDORF Chemical Park therefore has clearly defined communication channels that local residents and the media can rely on to get news in such a case.

  • In an alarm event, the local media are proactively supplied with an immediate press release.
  • In conjunction with a submission to the media, press releases are also published on the website of the GENDORF Chemical Park.
  • Local residents and neighbors can obtain information on demand via the public hotline of the GENDORF Chemical Park (Phone: +49 8679 7-6111).


Site operator InfraServ Gendorf has set up a public hotline for the GENDORF chemical park. Citizens can contact the hotline not only in emergencies but with everyday questions and concerns regarding the chemical park.The hotline is available around the clock to answer callers' questions and to ensure that they are dealt with promptly and consistently by the relevant specialists. The public hotline is an important instrument of emergency management to ensure open and trust-building communication with the public. The public hotline is available under +49 8679 7-6111.